On Premise IP Voice Telephony
Traditional business telephone systems require that organizations adapt to the functions of the phone system instead of the phone system adapting to the way its users prefer to transact business. Whether you’re considering the replacement of your current phone system, have multiple locations or remote workers – even if you don’t – now is an excellent time to consider adopting an IP-based telephone system that will allow you to dictate that your phone system finally cooperate and function in a fashion that supports how your organization wants to conduct business.

Voice and Fax Services

Hosted IP Voice Telephony
If you’re a smaller organization with just a few users or even a medium-sized organization and don’t want to spend precious capital to deploy have a feature-rich business telephone system, consider the move to IP-based telephony in the cloud. By harnessing nothing more than the power of your internet connection, today’s IP telephones are capable of operating separately from the back end “phone system” allowing you to reap all the benefits of a full-featured IP-based system without the costs associated with owning and maintaining your own telephone system.

Virtual Fax Service with Email Delivery
Despite the fact that many businesses have made the switch from faxing to scaning and email delivery of documents, it is often still necessary to maintain a fax line for backward compatibility with some customers and vendors. Virtual fax service provides a dedicated fax number at a nominal cost and provides the end user the luxury of receiving faxes in PDF format via email in real time. This is an excellent option for those users that receive many faxes, but are not always near or don't want to own a fax machine.



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